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EyeSight Vision Care November 10, 2012 |
What we feed our bodies feeds our eyes. Many of the vitamins and minerals in our bodies are found in much higher concentrations in our eyes, so a diet lacking in these vitamins and minerals can lead to vision problems as we grow older. Take the time every day to give your eyes (and the rest of your body) the nutritive support they need. Eat the foods and take the supplements that provide the antioxidant vitamins and minerals your eyes require. You’ll Protect Your Eyesight, ensuring years of good eye health, and increasing the odds that you’ll avoid blindness or vision loss for the rest of your life. If you find this newsletter useful, please do a friend and us a big favor and "pay it forward." Forward this issue to all your friends. If a friend passed this issue along to you, and you like what you read, please subscribe by visiting... Protect Your Eyesight Do You Have a Vision Story That You Can Share? I need your help. I have a page on this website that is for my readers to tell their Eyesight story. My hope was to have people tell their story so it might help someone else with the same problem or experience. But lately there has not been any activity on this page. Could you please look at this page and contribute someone if you can. Thank You Do You Have a Story That Could help Someone Else? Click Here
Table of ContentsNovember - Diabetes Awareness Month This month is National Diabetes Awareness Month, a time to think about the growing threat that comes from rising diabetes numbers across the nation. Doctors estimate that more than 17 million Americans now have Type II Diabetes, and the number goes up with every passing year. The scary part is that many people aren't even aware that they have diabetes. One of the more common side effects of Diabetes and your Eyesight is a slew of Eye Diseases, most commonly Diabetic Retinopathy. This disease is basically characterized by damage to the retina's blood vessels. It's also the number one reason adults in America go blind. There are different ways that The Retinas in people with diabetic retinopathy can experience damage. Sometimes a swelling of the blood vessels causes it, and sometimes it's caused when abnormal blood vessels start growing along the surface of the retinal tissue. This basically wreaks havoc with eyesight since the Retina is one of the most important components in the complex system inside the eye. This disease is a progressive condition, which means it starts out slowly and then builds up with time. Because of this, it's extremely easy for someone with diabetic retinopathy to have it for years before they even start to notice it. That's why it's so important to have your eyes checked at regular intervals – there could be something wrong with them that you don't even know about. Ophthalmologists can use a procedure called a dilated eye exam to examine the blood vessels deep inside the eye, and using this method they can usually spot indications of diabetes and other vascular diseases. So getting an eye exam cannot only help you Protect Your Eyesight, it can also help diagnose diabetes! Besides other side effects, untreated diabetes can really impair your vision. It's now considered the foremost cause of blindness in people between 20 and 74 years of age. It can also play a role in the development of Glaucoma and Cataracts. If you've already been diagnosed with diabetes, one of the many treatment options for you is a yearly eye exam. Diabetes is a serious condition that affects many different parts of the body, and your eyes can really suffer if it starts to make any changes in your eyes. Both Type I and Type II diabetes have been known to impact the vision of patients, so there's no reason not to take preventative action and try to quell any new medical problems before they really have a chance to take hold. For Diabetes Awareness Month, schedule an Eye Care Exam for yourself and your family and let your friends know about the dangers to your eyes that can be caused by diabetes.
Remember nothing beats a healthy diet with the right balance of Vitamins and Minerals when it comes to preventing an Eyesight Problem. Your eyes will thank you!
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